H. Edward Black, FASLA
President and Founder
Ed Black has served as President of H. Edward Black and Associates, Ltd. since founding the firm in 1972. A graduate of Penn State University with a BS in Landscape Architecture, Ed has distinguished himself and his firm through hundreds of award winning projects over the past 40 years. He is a professionally registered Landscape Architect in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Virginia and New Jersey, with hundreds of projects successfully completed throughout the Mid-Atlantic U.S.
Under Ed’s guidance, HEBlack has gained a reputation for meeting clients’ needs with quality, creativity and affordability. One of the leading firms of its kind in the regional area, HEBlack embraces new technologies and practices, blending the fields of landscape architecture and engineering to provide clients with many value added services. The firm is known for its ability to undertake complex projects requiring many different elements of land use planning and design, including resource planning, maintenance programming, and site study, selection and analysis services. They are accustomed to managing specialized consultants.
Ed has also gained distinction through his extensive civic and professional contributions, including a long history of service to his home municipality, where he has served as a member of the township Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, and was recently reelected to his second term as a Township Commissioner. He is currently on the Executive Committee of the Central Pennsylvania Association of Township Commissioners. Ed has also served his state as a member and chairman of Pennsylvania’s Landscape Architecture Licensure Board. In addition to his municipal work, Ed served as the past rpesident of the Harrisburg Builders Exchange and is currently a board member of the Hershey Gardens, the Harrisburg Parks Partnership and the Fredericksen Library. He is additionally a member in good standing with the American Society of Landscape Architects, the SCARAB Professional Honor Society and the Pennsylvania Parks and Recreation Society.
Mr. Black has been often recognized for his work, with awards or honors bestowed upon him or his firm by the City of Harrisburg, the American Society of Landscape Architects, and the Harrisburg Builders Exchange. Most recently, Ed was designated a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2013.