Grandon Farms Residential Development is the subdivision of a 136.5-acre property located along Grandon Way roadway in Hampden Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. The property has been under development for the last ten years and is approximately three-quarters developed. Grandon Farms is currently constructing Phase IV and taking reservations for Phase VI.
The remaining thirty-six acres exists as a meadow with areas that are partially forested. Proposed improvements include the extension of Grandon Way, the construction of new streets, subdivision of the property into residential lots, installation of storm water conveyance pipes, swales and site utilities.
The site is bounded by Sears Run on the east, Creekview Drive on the north, Good Hope Road on the west and Sears Run Drive on the south.
Services provided include:
- Concept design
- Layout
- Parking design
- Grading
- Erosion and sedimentation control design
- Utility design
- Storm water management
- Roadway design
- Planting design
- Government agency approvals and permitting